Board of Directors
Directorship in Danish and foreign companies, etc., at 1 March 2024
Hans Wilhelm Schur, Other directorships: Danmarks Industrimuseum (BF), Konsul Axel Schur og Hustrus Fond (BF), Konsul Axel Schur og Hustrus Mindefond (BF), Schurs Støttefond (BF), Schur Finance a/s (D and BM), AXRU Invest a/s (BF), Schur International Holding a/s (BM), Schur International a/s (BF), Schur Pack Denmark a/s (BF), Schur Pack Sweden AB (BF), Schur Pack Norway AS (BF), Schur Pack Germany GmbH (BF), Schur Technology a/s (BF), Schur Star Systems GmbH (BF), Schur Star Systems Inc. (BF), Schur Star Systems Australia Pty. Ltd. (BF), Schur Conference Center (D and BM), Schur Labels a/s (BF), Sarepta a/s (BF). Attendance rate: 100% Male, Danish citizen. Comprehensive management and board experience in international businesses within the plastics and packaging industries.
Erik Preben Holm, Other directorships: ScanCom International A/S (BF), Hotel Koldingfjord A/S (BF), Norr11 International ApS (BF), Norr11 Holding ApS (BF), CR EL & TEKNIK A/S Attendance rate: 100% Male, Danish citizen. Comprehensive management and board experience in international businesses within various industries and from listed Danish Companies. Comprehensive experience with acquisition and disposal of entities. |
Hans-Henrik Eriksen, Other directorships: Bagger-Sørensen & Co. A/S (D), Bagger-Sørensen Fonden (D) (BM), Bagger-Sørensen Real Estate A/S (D), Vecata Ejendomme A/S (D), BSF Attendance rate: 100% Male, Danish citizen. Considerable experience in finance and accounting practice as well as auditing and Investments. State Authorised Public Accountant.
Bente Overgaard, Other directorships:Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssikring (BF), Den Danske Naturfond (NF), Johannes Fogs Fond (NF), (NF), Jyske Bank A/S (BM), Fellowmind Denmark A/B (BM), Programdirektør CBS Bestyrelsesuddannelserne, Attendance rate: 100% Female, Danish citizen. Managerial background and comprehensive experience from the finance sector in Independent.
Marie Bakholdt Lund MSc from CBS, Hellerup, born 1981. Other directorships: Vice President, International Sales, Demant A/S. Attendance rate: 87.50% Female, Danish citizen. Considerable international management experience with sale, marketing and
D = Director
NF = Deputy Chairman
BM = Board Member
MI= Member of Investment Committee