Key figures

DKK'000 2023 2022 2021
 Revenue 2,606,322 2,656,342 2,480,869
 Earnings before depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)       440,990 478,445 422,912
 Profit/loss before financial items (EBIT) 241,236 296,130 269,064
 Net financials -40,176 -27,599 -11,290
 Profit/loss before tax and minority interests 201,060 268,531 257,774
 Profit/loss for the year 159,222 213,443 203,217
 Non-current assets 1,839,621 1,762,928 1,470,872
 Total assets 3,019,634 2,961,902 2,530,017
 Equity including minority interests 1,463,570 1,266,102 1,084,022
 Investments in property, plant and equipment, 210,995 245,365 198,107
 (excluding aquisitions)      
 - Cash flows from operating activities 360,372 264,491 237,701
 - Cash flows from investing activities -187,461 -320,927 -221,930
 - Cash flows from financing activities -216,058 67,697 -56,300
 Increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents    -43,147 11,261 -40,529
 Net interest-bearing debt (NIBD) 1,030,599 1,034,548 821,986
 NIBD/EBITDA 2.3 2.2 1.9
 Profit margin % (EBITA-margin) 9.3 11.1 10.8
 Return on invested capital incl. goodwill % 9.5 13.3 14.2
 Return on invested capital excl. goodwill % 10.9 15.2 16.1
 Return on equity % (ROE),
 excl. minority interests
11.6 18.2 19.4
 Equity ratio, excl. minority interests % 48.3 42.6 42.7
 Equity ratio, incl. minority interests % 48.5 42.7 42.8
 Earnings per share, DKK each unit 13.04 17.49 16.63
 Market price, DKK, per share, year-end 218.50 256.50 441.00
 Net asset value per share,
 DKK each unit, year-end
120.49 103.77 88.77
 Market value/net asset value, year-end 1.81 2.47 4.97
 Average number of employees 2,351 2,485 2,380


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