Nikolaj Plads 6
1007 Copenhagen K
Redemption of warrants - sale of treasury shares in SP Group A/S
Today, SP Group A/S has sold 81,000 number of SPG shares, ID code DK0010244771, to 19 executive employees at a price of 119.00 to redeem warrants issued in 2011. The total selling price amounts to DKK 9,639,000.
Subsequently, there are 19,000 warrants still under the 2011 programme, which may be redeemed later. The Company has hedged these warrants with treasury shares as SP Group's holding amounts to 19,877 treasury shares after the sale today.
The 19 executive employees who have acquired shares in SP Group today include:
CEO Frank Gad, who has acquired 20,000 shares and thus exercised all his warrants from 2011. The purchase price amounts to DKK 2,380,000
CFO Jørgen Nielsen, who has acquired 10,000 shares and thus also exercised all his warrants from 2011. The purchase price amounts to DKK 1,190,000.
Hereafter CEO Frank Gad personally owns 103,966 number of SPG shares equal to 5.1 % of the share capital in SP Group A/S, and together with related parties Frank Gad owns 341,425 number of SPG shares equal to 16.9 % of the share capital in SP Group A/S.
Incase of any discrepancies, the Danish version shall prevail.