NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
Nikolaj Plads 6
1007 Copenhagen K
Anouncement 66/ 2013
05. November 2013
CVR no. CVR no. 15701315
Announcement of the management’s or related persons’ trading with SP Group Shares
Gadplast ApS, related persons to Chief Executive Officer Frank Gad (Frank Gad is the Managing Director in Gadplast ApS, and Gadplast ApS is a subsidiary of Frank Gad ApS) has today acquired 3.000 number of shares in SP Group A/S, ID code DK0010244771, at a price of DKK 206.74 equal to DKK 620,212.50.
Frank Gad has today sold 2.250 number of shares in SP Group A/S, ID code DK0010244771, at a price of 207 equal to DKK 465,750.00.
In case of any discrepancies, the Danish version shall prevail.