NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
Nikolaj Plads 6
1007 Copenhagen K
Anouncement 05 / 2008 07. April 2008 CVR no. CVR no. 15701315

Chief Executive Officer Fran Gad utilizes warrant-agreement by subscription of 24,000 new shares in SP Group A/S

Chief Executive Officer Frank Gad has informed the Board of Directors that he wants to utilize his warrant agreement dated 25 August 2008 regarding issue of 24,000 new shares in SP Group equal to nominally DKKm 2,4. The warrants are exclusively to be utilized in 2008.

The new share capital will be paid in cash at a price of 103.49 equal to a total cash contribution of DKK 2,483,760.- in SP Group.

The issue will take place in accordance with SP Group’s Articles of Association, Article 4, item 9, and Article 4, item 13.

SP Group’s Articles of Association, Article 4, item 1, will be amended in connection with the increase of capital. The Article will hereafter have the following wording:

“The share capital of the Group amounts to DKK 202,400,000. distributed on shares of each DKK 100 or multiples hereof”

The new issued shares have the right of dividend as of the financial year 2007.

Article 4, item 9, is amended as 24,000 of the granted 54,000 warrants have now been utilized.

In connection with the issue of new shares Frank Gad has today sold nominally 29,850 shares owned by Frank Gad. The shares have been sold at a price of 155 equal to DKK 4,626,750.

Hereafter Frank Gad owns 50,800 SP Group A/S shares personally and via a wholly owned company and owns further 45,000 warrants and 13,975 options in SP Group.

The estimated costs in connection with the increase of capital will amount to approximately DKK 50,000. This amount will be paid by the company.

For further information please take contact to CEO Frank Gad.


Med venlig hilsen


Niels K. Agner

Frank Gad
Adm. direktør



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