NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
Nikolaj Plads 6
1007 Copenhagen K
Anouncement 11 / 2007 01. June 2007 CVR no. CVR no. 15701315

Announcement of the management´s or connected person´s trading with SP Group A/S shares

Pursuant to Regulation 17, paragraph 2 in the Regulations on issuer's duties of disclosure (Regulation no. 226 og 15 March 2007) SP Group A/S hereby informs that the total share capital in the group amounts to DKK 200,000,000.- and the total voting rights are 2 million.

For further information please take contact to CEO Frank Gad.  


Best regards  
Niels K. Agner
Frank Gad
Chief Executive Officer


Incase of any discrepancies, the Danish version shall prevail.


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