Whistle-blower program
Whistle-blower program
SP Group and all its subsidiaries strive for a business environment that promotes and upholds a high degree of integrity and responsibility.
Accordingly, the Company has established a whistle-blower scheme that allows anyone with affiliations to SP Group to safely report suspected non-compliance with SP Group's policies and guidelines, laws and regulations as well as other serious irregularities. Matters can be reported to the whistle-blower scheme by sending an e-mail to hhe@sp-group.dk.
The e-mail is sent directly to Hans-Henrik Eriksen, who is chair of SP Group's Audit Committee and independent member of SP Group's Board of Directors elected by the general meeting. Executives and employees in SP Group do not have access to this e-mail.
Guidance on how to use SP Group's whistle-blower scheme has been communicated to all employees in local languages.
No matters were reported by stakeholders in 2024.